Source code for languageflow.model.xgboost

from __future__ import absolute_import
import random
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin

import numpy as np

[docs]class XGBoostClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): """ A simple wrapper around XGBoost More details: Parameters ---------- base_estimator : string Can be 'gbtree' or 'gblinear' - 'gbtree' : classification - 'gblinear' : regression gamma : float minimum loss reduction required to make a partition, higher values mean more conservative boosting max_depth : int maximum depth of a tree min_child_weight : int larger values mean more conservative partitioning objective : string Specify the learning task and the corresponding learning objective or a custom objective function to be used - 'reg:linear' : linear regression - 'reg:logistic' : logistic regression - 'binary:logistic' : binary logistic regression - 'binary:logitraw' - binary logistic regression before logistic transformation - 'multi:softmax' : multiclass classification - 'multi:softprob' : multiclass classification with class probability output - 'rank:pairwise' : pairwise minimize loss metric : string Evaluation metrics: - 'rmse' - root mean square error - 'logloss' - negative log likelihood - 'error' - binary classification error rate - 'merror' - multiclass error rate - 'mlogloss' - multiclass logloss - 'auc' - area under the curve for ranking evaluation - 'ndcg' - normalized discounted cumulative gain ndcg@n for top n eval - 'map' - mean average precision map@n for top n eval """ def __init__(self, base_estimator='gbtree', objective='multi:softprob', metric='mlogloss', num_classes=9, learning_rate=0.25, max_depth=10, max_samples=1.0, max_features=1.0, max_delta_step=0, min_child_weight=4, min_loss_reduction=1, l1_weight=0.0, l2_weight=0.0, l2_on_bias=False, gamma=0.02, inital_bias=0.5, random_state=None, watchlist=None, n_jobs=4, n_iter=150, silent=1, verbose_eval=True): if random_state is None: random_state = random.randint(0, 1000000) param = { 'silent': silent, 'verbose': 0, 'use_buffer': True, 'base_score': inital_bias, 'nthread': n_jobs, 'booster': base_estimator, 'eta': learning_rate, 'gamma': gamma, 'max_depth': max_depth, 'max_delta_step': max_delta_step, 'min_child_weight': min_child_weight, 'min_loss_reduction': min_loss_reduction, 'subsample': max_samples, 'colsample_bytree': max_features, 'alpha': l1_weight, 'lambda': l2_weight, 'lambda_bias': l2_on_bias, 'objective': objective, 'eval_metric': metric, 'seed': random_state, 'num_class': num_classes, 'verbose_eval': verbose_eval } self.param = param if not watchlist: self.wl = [] else: self.wl = watchlist self.n_iter = n_iter
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} Training data. Shape (n_samples, n_features) y : numpy array Target values. Shape (n_samples,) Returns ------- self : C returns an instance of self. """ self.booster_ = None X = self._convert(X, y) if self.wl: wl = [(X, 'train')] for i, ent in enumerate(self.wl): ent, lbl = ent wl.append((self.convert(ent, lbl), 'test-' + str(i))) self.booster_ = xgb.train(self.param, X, self.n_iter, wl, verbose_eval=self.param["verbose_eval"]) else: self.booster_ = xgb.train(self.param, X, self.n_iter, [(X, 'train')], verbose_eval=self.param["verbose_eval"]) return self
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): import scipy if isinstance(X, scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix): X = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(X) X = xgb.DMatrix(X) return self.booster_.predict(X)
def _convert(self, X, y=None): if y is None: if isinstance(X, xgb.DMatrix): return X if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = xgb.DMatrix(X.values) return X return xgb.DMatrix(X) else: if hasattr(X, 'values'): X = xgb.DMatrix(X.values, y.values, missing=np.nan) return X return xgb.DMatrix(X, y, missing=np.nan)
[docs] def predict(self, X): X = self._convert(X) probs = self.booster_.predict(X) return list(np.argmax(probs, axis=1))
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=False): params = { 'base_estimator': self.param['booster'], 'objective': self.param['objective'], 'metric': self.param['eval_metric'], 'num_classes': self.param['num_class'], 'learning_rate': self.param['eta'], 'max_depth': self.param['max_depth'], 'max_samples': self.param['subsample'], 'max_features': self.param['colsample_bytree'], 'max_delta_step': self.param['max_delta_step'], 'min_child_weight': self.param['min_child_weight'], 'min_loss_reduction': self.param['min_loss_reduction'], 'l1_weight': self.param['alpha'], 'l2_weight': self.param['lambda'], 'l2_on_bias': self.param['lambda_bias'], 'gamma': self.param['gamma'], 'inital_bias': self.param['base_score'], 'random_state': self.param['seed'], 'watchlist': self.wl, 'n_jobs': self.param['nthread'], 'n_iter': self.n_iter} return params
[docs] def set_params(self, **parameters): for parameter, value in parameters.iteritems(): self.setattr(parameter, value) return self